Grupo de Pesquisa em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo – GPEPSM
  • (Português do Brasil) EPICast – Correntes teóricas 13: conjunturas e estruturas do sistema-mundo moderno

    Publicado em 12/07/2024 às 03:54 PM

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  • (Português do Brasil) XVIII Colóquio Brasileiro em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo

    Publicado em 26/06/2024 às 09:57 AM

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  • Event Programa available

    Publicado em 20/11/2023 às 08:44 AM



    From March 25 to March 27 2024

    Florianópolis, Brasil | Zoom

  • (Português do Brasil) EPICast – Temas contemporâneos 12: Guerra, cibernética e controle da vida no sistema-mundo moderno

    Publicado em 19/11/2023 às 11:13 PM

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  • (Português do Brasil) XVII Colóquio Brasileiro em EPSM – Programação do dia 08.11.2023

    Publicado em 31/10/2023 às 09:46 AM

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  • (Português do Brasil) XVII Colóquio Brasileiro em EPSM – Programação do dia 07.11.2023

    Publicado em 31/10/2023 às 09:42 AM

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  • XV

    Publicado em 31/10/2023 às 09:39 AM

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  • (Português do Brasil) PROGRAMAÇÃO – XVII Colóquio Brasileiro EPSM

    Publicado em 18/10/2023 às 05:49 PM

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  • Trabalhos

    Publicado em 22/09/2023 às 01:45 PM

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    Publicado em 14/09/2023 às 01:23 PM


    From March 25 to March 27 2024

    Florianópolis, Brasil | Zoom

    The conference will bring together scholars, activists, politicians, and government officials to share ideas and analyses of the current climate crises from a world-historical perspective and to make plans for survival and mitigation of increasingly frequent and severe global and local natural and anthropogenic disasters, and to lay the tracks for a more just, democratic, and collectively rational world society. 

    This will be a hybrid conference with both local face-to-face and remote participants who will be able to present, discuss and view other speakers and local and remote audiences as well.

    The face-to-face part of the colloquium will take place at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis. 

    Remote access for speakers and audience from South America, Africa, Europe, North America, South and East Asia and Oceania will be provided through Zoom Platform. The conference will be primarily in English but translation captioning will be available as well.

    The reach of hybrid conferences can be extended, and global participation can be enhanced by organizing local hubs in which participants come together to presente their own papers, and to tune in to, and interact with, the live conference being held in Florianópolis.

    The conference organizers are encouraging researchers to investigate the evolution of the modern world-system, and plans for moving toward a less unequal and more cooperative global society. Issues that may be addressed at the conference include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

    • National and Transnational Social Movements for Climate Action
    • The Causes and Consequences of Natural and Human-Caused Disasters
    • Similarities and Differences between the vulnerabilities and capabilities of Core, Semiperipheral and Peripheral national societies and states
    • Ecosocialist planning for a resilient, more just and sustainable world society.

    Paper submission schedule:
    New Papers abstract submissions deadline: September 15, 2023, October 30, 2023.
    Notification of acceptance of paper proposals November 10, 2023.
    Confirmation Deadline: December 10, 2023.
    Publication of the final conference schedule: January 15, 2024.
    Full Paper Submission Deadline: February 25, 2024.
    Event: March 25 to 27, 2024.

    Orientation for abstract submission:
    a. Title.
    b. Information about the authors.
    c. Abstract with a minimum of 2,000 and a maximum of 6,000 characters with spaces, containing:
    - clear definition of the object and objectives.
    - synthesis of the research methodology and its sources.
    - main results (complete or partial).
    d. List of references.

    Submission file here.

    Mail to 

    Presented by:
    Research Group on Political Economy of World-Systems, Brazil

    Organizing Committee:
    Chris Chase-Dunn (University of California, Riverside)
    Fábio Pádua dos Santos (PPGRI/UFSC)
    Helton Ricardo Ouriques (PPGRI/UFSC)
    Janete Josina de Abreu (PPGDN/UFSC)
    Júlia Gouveia (PPGRI/UFSC)
    Nicolas Pascal (University of California, Disaster and Resilience Network)
    Paola de Paoli (PPGRI/UFSC)
    Pedro Antônio Vieira (PPGRI/UFSC)

    Federal University of Santa Catarina, Socio-Economic Center, Department of Economics and International Relations, Graduate Program in International Relations and Graduate Program in Natural Disasters.


    World Society Foundation (Zurich), Institute for Research on World-Systems (University of California-Riverside), Political Economy of the World-System Section of the American Sociological Association, Global Studies Association of North America, Political Economy of the World-System Interuniversity Consortium, International Big History Association.