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Immanuel Wallerstein: Celebrating his Life and Legacies

04/08/2022 08:57

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 Royce Hall (3rd floor), UCLA

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**Please RSVP here. The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is required so that we know who is planning to attend. (Please note: If you did not previously RSVP, it is too late to reserve a boxed lunch or guarantee food/drink at the reception.)


10:00-11:15 AM - Plenary I: “Old Heads” Discuss Immanuel Wallerstein’s Theoretical & Empirical Contributions to Social Science
Organizer and Presider: Chris Chase-Dunn (University of California Riverside)

Panelists: Craig Calhoun (Arizona State University)
Randall Collins (University of Pennsylvania)
John W. Meyer (Stanford University)
Saskia Sassen (Columbia University)
Jonathan Turner (University of California Riverside)


11:30 AM-1:00 PM - Concurrent Sessions

World-Systems Analysis and Political Possibility
Presider: Tanya Golash-Boza (UC-Merced)

Toivo Asheeke (Georgia State Univ.), ““Wapiganyi Wauhuru, Azanian Black Nationalism and African Liberation”
Paul Gellert (Univ. of Tennessee), “The Continuing Salience, Place, and Potential of the Semiperiphery: Against the Global South or Postcolonial"
Chungse Jung (Binghamton Univ.), “Antisystemic Movements in the global South: Beyond the Eurocentrism Typology”
Alysa Mugavero (UC San Diego) and Tom Reifer (Univ. of San Diego), “Overcoming the “Two Cultures” and Struggles for Alternative Futures: Immanuel Wallerstein’s Quest for the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, and the Challenges of the 21st Century”
Devparna Roy (Nazareth College), “Global Citizens? Or Citizens of the World-System to Come? Caste, Colonialism, and Citizenship Regimes in India”


The Development of Immanuel Wallerstein's Thought and Method
Presider: Lu Zhang (Temple University)

Elson Boles (Saginaw State Univ.), “Wallerstein’s Cultural Turn”
Paul Ciccantell (Western Michigan Univ.) Spencer Potiker (UC-Irvine), David Smith (UC-Irvine), Elizabeth Sowers (CSU-Channel Islands) & Luc McKenzie (UC-Irvine), “From Africa to Amazon.com: Creating Peripheries Using Racialized Labor From the 16th Through the 21st Centuries”
Timothy Moran (Stony Brook, SUNY), “World Systems Analysis: Wallerstein's Methodological Intervention”
Gregory P. Williams (Univ. of Northern Colorado), “From Africa to the World: The Sources of Wallerstein’s The Modern World-System”


1:00 -2:00 PM - Lunch on site


2:00-3:30 PM - Plenary II: Wallerstein Students Reflect on the Fernand Braudel Center


Research Working Groups as a Model for Collaborative Knowledge Production

Resat Kasaba (University of Washington)
Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz (University of Maryland)
Ravi Palat (Binghamton University)
Beverly Silver (Johns Hopkins)


3:30-4:45 PM - Plenary III: Future Directions in World Systems Research

Jenn Bair (University of Virginia)
Manuela Boatca (University of Freiburg)
Kevan Harris (UCLA)
Sefika Kumral (University of North Carolina Greensboro)
Kristin Plys (Univ. of Toronto)


4:45-5:00 PM - Reflections from Kathy Wallerstein


5:00-7:00 PM - Reception


The Conference is sponsored by the Political Economy of the World System (PEWS) Section of the American Sociological Association. Co-sponsors include the ASA sections on Labor & Labor Movements, Sociology of Development, Global and Transnational Sociology, Marxist Sociology, Environmental Sociology and Comparative Historical Sociology as well as the UCLA Department of Sociology.


Information on the conference venue and maps can be found here.


Bus option from downtown: You can take the 720 Rapid Transit Bus from 5th and Grand to the Wilshire/Glendon stop in front of the Hammer Museum in Westwood. Campus is a ten-minute walk on Westwood Blvd (you’ll see signs pointing you to campus through Ronald Reagan Hospital).


COVID Protocols: Please be aware that UCLA has a mask mandate in effect. Therefore, we will be asking all participants to wear masks in-doors, though presenters may take off the mask while speaking. Rooms in the conference venue have air circulation technology, and, in general, the UCLA campus will not be very crowded on the day of our event. People will be encouraged to eat their lunch outside, and the final reception will also be outdoors.


Conference Email Address:

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